RALSC is offering a brand new Education Pass with a "Build Your Business" theme. All of the courses were strategically selected to provide you with relevant content to take your business to the next level. This deal is one you won't want to miss. The "Build Your Business Education Pass" valued at $190 provides 12 CE credits and is available for only $99. Passholders will be attending: •Building Your Business with Social Media - 3 CE You have your choice of attending on either 1/24/23 or 12/20/23 •Building Elite Customer Service If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus Where are My Buyer and Seller from? - 3 CE - 2/13/2023 •Canva Workshops on 3/8/23 & 7/27/2023 •Core Law 3 CE - on 05/08/2023 •Code of Ethics 3 CE - on 08/11/2023 Disclaimer: •One Build Your Business education pass permitted per person •The Build Your Business pass only applies to the classes listed above and cannot be substituted for other courses •Education passes are non-refundable Will you be a Passholder in 2023?2023 Education Pass
Sunday, January 1, 2023 12:00 AM - Friday, March 31, 2023 12:00 AM