Designated Realtor Application

Select Your Option(s)

Use this form if you are a new broker and already a member of our Association. If you are apart of a brand new office, please select the "Residential Realtor Firm" membership type as well.

Use this form if you live outside of the state of Florida, and would like to join the REALTORS Association of Lake & Sumter Counties and Florida Realtors. If you do not have membership with an MLS, please select the individual MLS membership as well.

Use this application if you are a primary member at another association. You will have all rights as a primary member but will only pay local dues. State and National dues will be paid through your primary association. If you are not a member with StellarMLS, please select the individual MLS membership as well.

Please select this membership type if your office is not apart of our Association already. 

Select this membership type if you are a new broker and do not have access to Stellar MLS. Please select a Realtor membership as well. If you are transferring from another association that is a part of StellarMLS, please email and request a Letter of Good Standing. The letter can be uploaded to this application. If you do not receive a Letter of Good Standing within 24 hours, please call the Association at 352-343-3003.

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist